Explore the world of surrealism
What is surrealism?
A style of art that moves away from the 'normal', often depicting abstract images or dreamscapes without emphasis on formal technique or craft. What does it look like? -Unexpected or ‘dreamlike’ -Distorted figures and shapes -Making the ordinary strange -Contrasting images/colors/messages -Overlap/unclear distinctions between objects |
A Quick History:
Surrealism is an art movement that emerged in Europe after World War I. You may have heard of some of famous surrealist artists! Frida Khalo and Salvador Dali are two examples. Surrealist artists practiced automatism, where the artist creates an image instinctively rather than with planned intent or critique. We explore this and other surrealist practices in our project through character design; by experimenting with color, material, and time, this craft will explore how art can be expressive beyond its physical appearance, and how seemingly mundane objects can inspire interesting form and concepts. |
Let's get making! |
OUr Work:
Meet the Team:From Left to Right: Lauren Trail, Nicole Choi, Diana Galicia, Emilia Bauer, Andrew Tebeau
Hello, we are the illustration group!
We are excited to share what we have been creating in collaboration with students from Ludington High School. We’ve put together a two part project, where we design and create original characters and surrealistic environments to give a home to our characters. This project is suitable for people of all ages interested in learning more about surrealism, illustration, character design, and collaging. |